Visionary Voting on Election Day
With our vote, we guide the ship of state toward a better future.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: What Supporting Women Really Means
Empowering women isn’t a procedure.
The Evolution of Title IX
Controversy and division still surround the Title IX Amendment.
How Far Will You Go?
It’s easy to denounce injustice, but much harder to act against it.
Trusting Healthcare: Navigating Misinformation with Reason
Healthcare providers see patients in their most vulnerable state. What happens when this relationship is distorted?
Leadership in a Time of Crisis
When crisis struck Western North Carolina, Mark Robinson was there to be the leader the people of North Carolina were longing for.
Checkpoint is the student opinion site of the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (PA) aimed at delivering top-tier student commentary on a wide variety of political, religious, and cultural issues that are relevant to Americans of any age who want to stay informed about current events.
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