Affirmative Action – What It Is and Why It Matters
The lawsuit accusing Harvard University of discrimination towards Asian Americans has finally made it to Court.
Vocation Direction – A Light for College Students
Vocation is quite a hot topic in college because at the heart of figuring out what to do with the rest of our lives, remains our God and His plans for us.
Elections: Have They Always Been Ugly?
In an already rapid news cycle that seems to fit in a month’s worth of content in one week, we watch the projected midterm election polling.
Election Update
With the midterm election less than four weeks away, here is a sketch of the US Senate races.
Recession Reality
Hidden behind the day-to-day political scandals which consume the mainstream media is the impending inevitability of an economic crisis.
Brett Kavanaugh: What You Need to Know
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is currently undergoing his Senate confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee
Checkpoint is the student opinion site of the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (PA) aimed at delivering top-tier student commentary on a wide variety of political, religious, and cultural issues that are relevant to Americans of any age who want to stay informed about current events.
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