Walk Toward the Fire

Speaking uncomfortable truths is fire to hardened hearts—and the most morally courageous thing you can possibly do.

The Death of Cursive

Older generations may be onto something when they bemoan the death of cursive writing.

Where are The Survivors Now?

The few remaining survivors of the Rape of Nanjing may not be as well cared for as China would like the world to believe.

Iran & the War on the West

Biden’s posture towards Iran has failed to secure American interests. But it’s not too late to turn the tide for Israel.

Jackie Robinson: A Conservative American Hero

Jackie Robinson will forever remain a national icon in the struggle for equality. Don’t let liberal historians obscure his conservatism.

Checkpoint is the student opinion site of the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (PA) aimed at delivering top-tier student commentary on a wide variety of political, religious, and cultural issues that are relevant to Americans of any age who want to stay informed about current events.

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