Kazakhstan’s Struggle with Oil, Blood, and Power
“While the story of Kazakhstan might be one of oil, blood, and power, the U.S should not pass up this opportunity to bring new change and hope to the region.”
The Importance of Corporate Accountability
“Corporations are a powerful force in American society and influence the lives of millions of Americans. If left unchecked, these corporations can negatively impact society. The fall of Theranos is an example of this.”
Kim and the Dragon
“If the United States and its allies wish to preserve peace and prosperity in the international community, they must seek peace through strength.”
Broken Promises and Conflict in Ethiopia
“Both Tigray rebels and the government of Ethiopia are raising concerns of ethnic cleansing.”
Africa’s Last Colony
“If tensions continues to rise, the Western Sahara has the makings to become an involved and violent escalation of conflict.”
The Senate’s Infrastructure Victory
“If prudence and efficiency are used, we can look towards great hope for the American people in this display of bipartisan legislation.”
Checkpoint is the student opinion site of the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (PA) aimed at delivering top-tier student commentary on a wide variety of political, religious, and cultural issues that are relevant to Americans of any age who want to stay informed about current events.
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