How Does Facial Recognition Technology Become Big Brother?
“The U.S. government has been enabled to massively increase its surveillance power without our knowledge. If we are to protect our liberty we must update our law to keep pace with our technology.”
The Immigration Debate Has Turned Us into a Caricature Circus
The mainstream media has turned the immigration debate into a mudslinging contest. America deserves better.
Why We Can’t Trust China on COVID-19
It’s become apparent that China is providing the world with false COVID-19 reports. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.
The Voting Rights Debate Is Not What You’ve Been Led to Believe
Both sides are lying to you. It’s time to set the record straight.
Think Patents Protect Innovation? Here’s the Reality
Patents are often weaponized to hurt the very people they’re meant to help.
How the Equality Act Will Bring on the Patriarchy of the Future
Women have struggled for millennia to achieve equality with men. Now, the Equality Act threatens their progress.
Checkpoint is the student opinion site of the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College (PA) aimed at delivering top-tier student commentary on a wide variety of political, religious, and cultural issues that are relevant to Americans of any age who want to stay informed about current events.
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